The Showtimes search view was the most comprehensive of the three modes, displaying all movie showtimes in the user’s area in chronological order regardless of theater. Users can also view movie rating, runtime, critics’ score, and location for the particular screening. It is the default search mode and users can go directly from here to purchasing tickets.

The Theater search view is a little more organized, displaying a list of collapsed theaters near the user that can be opened to reveal all the movie showtimes at that specific theater. Users can also view movie rating, runtime, critics’ score, and can go directly from here to purchasing tickets

The Movie search view displays a list of movies that are currently in theaters. Users can also view movie rating, runtime, critics’ score, and the movie’s trailer. From here users search for a screening of their selected movie to then purchase tickets.

Film Friend also possesses a Search Parameters menu where users can refine the three previous search views based on a particular movie, theater, or time and date. The location parameter can be adjusted at the bottom of all pages.
